W/C 10.10.16 Preview Sheet




Next week we will be continuing our work on modal verbs and will also be investigating suffix rules and antonyms.


Suffixes: -ance and –ence and the rules for using each spelling.


·        Use -ance when the base word is an adjective that ends in -ant (remove the last three letters and add -ance) (relevant becomes relevance)


·        Use -ance when the base word is a verb that ends in -ure or -ear (remove the final ‘e’ if the verb ends in -ure before adding -ance) (insure becomes insurance)


·        Use -ance when the base word ends in -y (change the ‘y’ to ‘i’, then add -ance) (ally becomes alliance)


·        Use -ence when the base word is a verb that ends in -ere (remove the final ‘e’, then add -ence) (interfere becomes interference)


·        Use -ence when the base word is an adjective that ends in -ent (remove the last three letters, then add -ence) (innocent becomes innocence)



Words with similar opposite meanings eg happy and sad


Modal verbs: might, could, will, should, must.

There is a possibility that Groosham Grange might be closed within the need few days.




Next week we will be:


·        using written methods to solve mixed calculation problems


1) Elroy's book has 407 pages. He is on page 186. He reads another 59 pages. How many pages are left?


Calculation: 186 + 59 = 245 and 407 – 245 = 162 (162 pages are left)


2) In an election 32736 people vote. 14485 vote for the winner and 13726 for the candidate in second place. How many people vote for the only other candidate?


Calculation: 14485 + 13726 = 28211 and 32736 – 28211 = 4525 (4525 people voted for the only other candidate)


·        solving missing number calculations


              ___ 4 ___

           +   1 ___  8

                 3   7   5      


(For the units digit to be 5, the sum of the units column must end in a 5

eg 8 + 7 = 15. The 1 can be carried and the 5 goes in the units column.

The total of the tens column must be 7 and a 1 has been carried so 4 + 1 = 5 and the missing number must be 2.

Finally the answer in the hundreds column is 3 and we already have a 1 so the missing number must be 2)



Posted by Miss Deane on 8 October 2016

Category: Hawks

Tags: hawks