W/C 19.9.16 Preview Sheet


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Next week we will be learning about:


Different types of word groups:

·        common nouns eg table, wall, dog

·        proper nouns eg London, Clare

·        abstract nouns eg ecstatic, melancholy

·        collective nouns eg flock, herd

·        verbs (doing words) eg leap, pounce, shimmy

·        speech verbs (how speech is spoken) eg yelled, whispered

·        adverbs (explains how the verb is done) slowly, quickly

·        adjectives (descriptive words)


Fronted adverbials (extra information added before the verb)

eg. Awkwardly, James stepped into the room.

Completely exhausted, Emma collapsed after the race.




Next week we will be:


·        Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (starter activity)

eg 676 x 10 = 6760               54.4 x 1000 = 54400

·        Rounding whole numbers

eg. 6547 to the nearest 100 = 6500

·        Identifying the value of each digit to three decimal places.

eg. 7.678 = 7 units, 6 tenths, 7 hundredths and 8 thousandths.

·        Rounding decimals with three decimal places to the nearest one or two decimal places.

Eg. 4.567 to two decimals places = 4.57

     4.567 to one decimal place = 4.6 (5 or more, you round up and 4 or less, you round down.

·        Rounding decimals with three decimal places to the nearest whole number.

Eg. 67.873 rounded to the nearest whole number = 68

Posted by Miss Deane on 16 September 2016

Category: Hawks

Tags: maths hawks