We are Ofsted registered to admit 15 children per session from the term that they turn 3, the fees are as follows:
The Little Chicks day runs from 8:45 - 3:45pm.
- A full day would cost £35.
- A full day would cost £37.30 with a hot school lunch.
From the term after your child turns three you will be able to claim the Early Years Entitlement Funding which will entitle you to fifteen hours free i.e five morning or afternoon sessions. We also accept the 30 hours free childcare for those eligible.
An invoice will be sent out at the beginning of each half-term and fees may be paid weekly, monthly or half-termly but must be paid in full by date provided on the invoice. Unpaid invoices may result in a loss of sessions. All payments are to be made via ParentPay, please contact the school office for further information on setting this up.