Welcome to Little Chicks Class Page.

Little Chicks Manager and Keyworker - Mrs Stock,

Keyworker - Mrs Kelly-Bodell 

Need to contact us? j.stock@carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk - a.kb@carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk 


Each day your child will need to bring a bag with a full change of clothes and a water bottle. They will also need a puddle suit and a pair of wellies to be kept in school. Please ensure your child has suitable outdoor clothing for the time of year such as coat, hat, gloves, sun hat etc.

Please can all your child’s belongs be clearly named.

P.E. Sessions - Monday 10:10 (please can the children come in suitable clothing and pumps or trainers)  will be doing P.E. in the hall. This will include moving in different ways, exercises to warm up and cool down our bodies, moving to music and some jumping and climbing. Your child doesn't need a P.E kit but please ensure they wear appropriate footwear. Thank you.


Want to know what your child's been doing?

Go to Class Story on Dojo

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Show off your learning at home. If you have done some super learning at home or been awarded a certificate at dancing or swimming, please send them in or send us a photo on Dojo. There will be a stamp in your passport for being a lifelong learner.

Look below for the latest, reminders, information and home learning.


How to help with your child's learning

Communication, Language and Literacy

  • Reading lots of stories together and asking questions (who, what, where, when, how) about the story. 
  • Making up alternative endings to stories.
  • Finding things in the pictures and talking about the pictures and illustrations using lots of descriptive words.
  • Asking your child what might happen next in the story.
  • Asking your child what they liked/disliked about the story and why.
  • Spotting the letters of their name in different forms of text, such as signs, magazines, labels etc.
  • Mark making in lots of different ways - chalk on the pavement - drawing with sticks in the sand - water and a paintbrush outside - paint - felt-tips, drawing in flour
  • Tracing over lines, waves, zig-zags, circles.
  • Simple colouring books - trying hard to stay within the lines


  • Doing jigsaws
  • Playing pairs, dominoes, snakes and ladders
  • Use maths language when baking together, full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, number names, more, less, the same, heavy light, lighter, heavier etc.
  • Using language of size. Such as - 'Get me the tiny ball.' 'Its an enormous ice-cream.'
  • Look for numbers in the environment, books, magazines, signs, number plates, prices in supermarkets etc.
  • Use simple mathematical names for shapes, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, hexagon and talk about their properties, how many edges, corners, faces does it have? Are they straight or curved.
  • Make comparisons of quantities. For example - 'You have more chips than me.' 'I have less presents than you.' 'We have the same number of sweets.'

Social Development

  • Inviting friends home for play dates and encourage turn taking and consideration of another persons wants and needs.
  • Playing games which involves taking turns and don't always let them win.
  • Talk about theirs and others feelings and why they might be feeling happy, sad, cross etc. 
  •  Talk about the differences between them and others and talk about them as a part of different groups such as family, Little Chicks, dancing or swimming groups etc.

Fine motor skills

  • Threading - cheerios onto spaghetti, beads/pasta onto string or wool to make a necklace
  • Sorting sequins/small buttons
  • Playing with play dough - rolling it using hands to create sausages, pinching it, cutting it, rolling it using a rolling pin.
  • Fastening buttons, zips, poppers. 
  • Dressing and undressing dolls.

Independence skills

  • Dressing and undressing independently, ready for when they have to change for P.E in school.
  • Seeing to their own hygiene needs, taking themselves to the toilet and washing their hands.
  • Become responsible for their things. Getting their own coat, shoes, bag for going out and putting their own things away.