Doves Home Learning


Friday 10th June
Homework     Please read the attached homework sheet.
All Y4 children have also received a new times table pack.

New Spellings have been uploaded.


Doves Homework 2022


July 2021

Hi Doves, it’s Miss Clarkson here! I am so excited to be your teacher in September. We are going to have a wonderful year together.

I hope you all have a brilliant summer holiday. I will look forward to hearing about all of your adventures.

Take care and see you soon,

Miss C  


Welcome back to home learning Dove class; hopefully it won't be for very long so try not to worry.

Please can you make sure you add me on zoom;

Like last time there will be a live session daily which I will inform you about in due course.

Your work will be set daily and this will include ; Maths, English, Topic with Morning Maths, Spelling practice and Handwriting. You will find the work on the daily posts as a link.

When you complete any work please email it to me at On Wednesday please email the work to

Stay safe and take care Dove class.


Oxford Owls Login





Doves Remote Learning Friday 23rd July

Doves, I hope you have a wonderful Summer holidays; home learning today is to enjoy time with your family in the lovely summer sunshine. Practice your mindfulness; maybe some yoga, relaxation, colouring. Or why not play some times table bingo?

Take some pictures and send them to me if you would like!

I have loved teaching you this term and I will miss you very much; make sure you come to see me in Parrots class!

Mrs Davis


Doves Remote Learning Thursday 22nd July

Good morning Dove class, hope you are all well. Mrs MacDonald will be in touch this week if you are learning from home so please keep your zoom accounts open and ensure you have added her or accepted her on Zoom.

Morning Maths, handwriting, spelling and 5 in 5 is all accessible below for you to complete throughout the day.

Maths - Today we are revisiting money. Please complete attached game and enjoy. Think carefully about change and how much you would need.

English - Please write down some questions for your new teacher. Is there anything you are worried about? Anything you need support with?

Sports Day- In the afternoon we will be completing doing PE so please have a at some youtube Joe Wicks workouts.

Please take the time to access IDL, TTRS, Mathsframe and Oxford Owl. 

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Davis


Home Learning Dove Class Thursday


Doves Remote Learning Tuesday 20th July

Good morning Dove class, hope you are all well. Mrs MacDonald will be in touch this week if you are learning from home so please keep your zoom accounts open and ensure you have added her or accepted her on Zoom.

Morning Maths, handwriting, spelling and 5 in 5 is all accessible below for you to complete throughout the day.

Maths - Today we are revisiting time. Please enjoy the game attached and see if you can find any online games too. Lots of work on duration of time and how to work out 12/24 hour digital times.

English - I would like you to write down your favourite memories from this year and put them in the memory jar template. Think about the different experiences you have had e.g. the field day, angle maths etc. Don't forget to check punctuation and ensuring those sentences are detailed with lots of information included.

Sports Day- In the afternoon we will be completing our sports day so why not take part in some races at home with your family and send some pictures through!

Please take the time to access IDL, TTRS, Mathsframe and Oxford Owl. 

Have a lovely day and don't forget to email me the work

Mrs Davis


Home Learning Dove Class Tuesday 20th July


Doves Remote Learning - Monday 19th July

Good morning Dove class, hope you are all well. Mrs MacDonald will be in touch this week if you are learning from home so please keep your zoom accounts open and ensure you have added her or accepted her on Zoom.

Morning Maths, handwriting, spelling and 5 in 5 is all accessible below for you to complete throughout the day.

Maths - I would like you to revisit how to solve problems using the 4 operations; multiplication, addition, subtraction and division. Attached is a board game you can play with your family. You can also find some online games linked to the 4 operations so have a look on google. Practice and practice!

English - Please could you have a look at the one page profile, complete it and then send it to me as an attachment so I can forward it to your teacher next year. Think about what you enjoy and what achievements you are proud of. Have you got any worries for next year? Start to keep a list of things you may want to ask your teacher.

Art - Please google Roy Lichtenstein and take a look at his style of artwork. I would like you to observe his technique and style and have a go at drawing your self portrait like this. 

Please take the time to access IDL, TTRS, Mathsframe and Oxford Owl. 

Have a lovely day and don't forget to email me the work

Mrs Davis


Home Learning Dove Class Monday 19th July





Doves Remote Learning - Friday 16th July

Maths - Please have a look at the attached White Rose worksheets that link to lines of symmetry and have a go at the questions. Can you find a mirror and go round the house finding different objects with a line of symmetry.

Literacy - Practice your spellings and see if your parent can test you on the Year 3/4 common exception words. Pick 10 randomly and then maybe try another 10. 

Rounders/Cricket- Please have a go at watching a game of rounders/cricket on youtube and using the knowledge you gained from last week, have a go at writing a set of instructions about how to play. If you have enough family members in your house why not have a go at playing it. 

Mindfulness - Senses - Go outside and lie down on the grass...take 4 things you can see, smell, hear, and feel. Zone out of everything and focus on those 4 things. This is a great technique for when those anxious worries overburden you and you just need time to get away from all those negative thoughts.

Please access, IDL, TTRS and have a go at Maths frame. Use oxford owls to do some reading and make sure you have a break in between to watch newsround and get some fresh air.

Documents below

Home Learning Dove Class Friday

Doves Remote Learning -Thursday 15th July

Many apologies this has come on late; for some reason it didn't upload this morning. 

Maths - Please complete the symmetry activity on Education City. This will give you a basic idea of what we discussed in detail the other week.

Literacy - Please read and analyse the sports reports, answering questions about the text you have read. 

PE- Take some time to practise activities for sports day. Running, skipping, relay races with family. You have had some practice with Mr Sharp but you can prepare for next week :)

Mindfulness - Use some playdough to create different models; if you don't have playdough you could use blue tak or salt dough.

Please access, IDL, TTRS and have a go at Maths frame. Use oxford owls to do some reading and make sure you have a break in between to watch newsround and get some fresh air.

Documents below

Home Learning Dove Class Thursday


Doves Remote Learning - Wednesday 14th July

Maths -  Please access the classwork section on Education City and complete the work on quadrilaterals.

English- Think about the positives and negatives of covid and have a balanced argument with your grown up. Consider taking an aspect of it for example; home learning. What is good about home learning and what is not to good about home learning? 

Topic- Can you create a poster telling us what is emotional well-being, resilience, growth mindset and self care. Make the poster as bright and as colourful as you can; think about what the main points you want to get across are.






Please access, IDL, TTRS and have a go at Maths frame. Use oxford owls to do some reading and make sure you have a break in between to watch newsround and get some fresh air.

Mindfulness Time - Can you google cosmic kids yoga and have a go!

Home Learning Dove Class Wednesday


Doves Remote Learning - Tuesday 13th July

Maths - Please see attached sheet looking at 3D shape. There is a GDS question to access as extension.

English -  Please create a recipe for mental health, think about all the things you need to make sure you stay healthy in your body and your mind. For example, fresh air, healthy eating, yoga, colouring, worry books, talking to a grown up.

Topic-  I can describe what makes a good leader. Can you create a spider diagram writing down the qualities of what makes a good leader. Please see document attached below to support you with this.

Please access, IDL, TTRS and have a go at Maths frame. Use oxford owls to do some reading and make sure you have a break in between to watch newsround and get some fresh air.

Home Learning Dove Class Tuesday 12th


Email work to me




Doves Remote Learning – Monday 12th July

Morning Dove Class, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the football match last night!

Today, I am in school teaching the children so I will not be doing a zoom lesson. Mr Powell or Mrs Macdonald may be in touch with you though so make sure you keep your zoom tab open throughout the day. This week is healthy living week so enjoy some activities linked to this.

To be completed in any order throughout the day:

Morning maths, handwriting and spelling practice.

Maths: Please watch this video;

We are learning about how 2D shapes can be made into 3D shapes and then looking at the nets and how they can be made up. Then have a go at the fun activities and send me some pictures using anything you can find.

BREAK- Please make sure you take some time to have a snack, watch Newsround and get some fresh air.

Mindfulness-  Can you have a go at the colouring and take some time to relax and unwind throughout the day.

English -   I would like you to write a winners speech for the football match last night. Here is a video link to watch and then have a go at writing your own imagining the feelings and who you might thank if you were playing.


Topic – Please see attached file and work through the activities thinking about how we express feelings and what we can do to help us with our mental health/ feelings and emotions.

Please ask your grown up at home to send pictures etc. of your work to me each day.

In addition to the above there is IDL, TT Rockstars and Education City.

Mrs Davis


Home Learning Dove Class Monday 12th









Doves Remote Learning – Friday 9th July

To be completed in any order throughout the day:

Maths: Please complete the work from the document group labelled ‘Maths Consolidation' This work is a consolidation of the work you have completed this week. There is also some GDS work to take a look at too.

BREAK- Please make sure you take some time to have a snack, watch Newsround and get some fresh air.

English: Please can you continue to keep your daily recount; not forgetting to use great descriptive language and checking for basic errors such as punctuation and capital letters. In the zoom lesson yesterday we discussed some great descriptive sentences; try and add some in if you can!

Topic- Please plan and design a trophy for the Euro final. Research different types of trophy styles and think carefully about what material would best? What shape would work? After creating a plan and a design using labels,  please could you then have a go at junk modelling your trophy using whatever you can find (and are allowed to use!!!)

Assembly: Please join me on Zoom for a live Assembly and catch up at 3pm. I will call your Zoom accounts at 3pm, as we did during the last period of remote learning. Please make sure your grown up has me added on Zoom and let me know if any of your details have changed since last time.

I am available via email throughout the day

Documents below:

Home Learning Dove Class Friday



Doves Remote Learning – Thursday 8th July 2021

To be completed in any order throughout the day:

9.15am: Join me for a live zoom (I will ring your accounts) to check in and see how yesterday was and to discuss the work for the day.

Maths: Please complete the work from the document group labelled ‘Maths – Thursday 8th July’ There is a PowerPoint attached for you to work through.

PLEASE NOTE- On each Maths document pick the page that you feel challenges you best; they gradually get harder from pg2-4. I will add a GDS challenge at the end too!

BREAK- Please make sure you take some time to have a snack, watch Newsround and get some fresh air.

English: Keep writing in your diary.  This can be typed or written.  Please try to include how you feel and what you may have done that day.  Remember to use the correct tense.

Topic: You are a reporter and what better match to report on than the fantastic England match!  If you didn’t watch it you could read a report online and “magpie” parts of it.  Remember to use the features reports as we discussed in class.  If you are not interested in the football, choose another sporting event to write about.

Assembly: Please join me for a live review of the day and catch up via Zoom at 3pm. I will call your Zoom accounts at 3pm.

I will be available via e-mail throughout the day.

Mrs Davis

Documents :

Home Learning Dove Class Thursday

Spellings Dove Class

Doves Remote Learning – Wednesday 7th July

Tonight, in preparation for Thursday 8th July, please could you either watch the England game or a Wimbledon match, so that you are able to write a match report on Thursday.

To be completed in any order throughout the day:

Maths: Please complete the work from the document group labelled ‘Maths – Wednesday 7th July’ There is a PowerPoint attached for you to work through.

PLEASE NOTE- On each Maths document pick the page that you feel challenges you best; they gradually get harder from pg2-4. I will add a GDS challenge at the end too!

BREAK- Please make sure you take some time to have a snack, watch Newsround and get some fresh air.

English: Please can you continue to keep your daily recount; not forgetting to use great descriptive language and checking for basic errors such as punctuation and capital letters. Mrs Oddy has set a comprehension activity, please have a look at the powerpoint in documents for further information and have a go.

R.E: Attached in the documents section is a slide from Mrs Oddy linked to parables. Please could you have a look at the tasks set.

Please ask your grown up at home to send pictures etc. of your work to me each day.

In addition to the above there is IDL, TT Rockstars and Education City.

Assembly: Please join me on Zoom for a live Assembly and catch up at 3pm. I will call your Zoom accounts at 3pm, as we did during the last period of remote learning. Please make sure your grown up has me added on Zoom and let me know if any of your details have changed since last time.

Mrs Oddy will be available via e-mail throughout the day.

Home Learning Dove Class Wednesday


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