Welcome to Owls Class,
Our teacher is Miss Clarke
Our LSA is Mrs Navruz.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
On Monday mornings Miss Clarke has her PPA so Mrs Hicks will be teaching us.
Autumn 2024
This term, our main topic we will be learning about is the Stone Age.
We will also be learning about light and sound, rivers and the water cycle and Hinduism.
Please connect through our class Dojo, that will be the easiest way to contact me and to see what your child has been up to that week.
Homework will be set every Friday via Edshed, this will include: spellings, reading, a maths task and/or a writing task. It will be based on what we have been learning that week. Homework should be submitted anytime the following week. Our spelling test will be every Friday.
To support learning at home please complete regular sessions of IDL and TTRS: