
During each session your child will be able to access a healthy snack such as fruit, vegetables, toast, bread sticks and a drink of either fresh juice, water or milk.

To help foster independence the children are encouraged to help set up the snack, help each other with pouring drinks and assist in clearing away.

If your child is staying for the lunch sessions then they have two lunch options:

  1. School dinner, this is cooked on site and eaten within the school hall. The children sit at tables with their peers and a member of staff, creating a family feel and making it a social occasion where the staff can encourage the children to try new foods and foster good table manners. Each day there is a choice of two main courses and desserts, on a three week cycle of menus. The menu usually changes on a half termly basis providing the children with a variety of home made, freshly cooked meals.

  2. Packed lunch, once again these are eaten in the hall along with the children eating a school dinner.